Bolivar Educational Advancement Foundation
Celebrating more than 30 years of partnership with Bolivar Schools

About BEAF
Bolivar Educational Advancement Foundation was created in 1991 for the purpose of funding programs and projects for the Bolivar R-1 Schools. Independent from Bolivar R-1 Schools, the Bolivar Educational Advancement Foundation provides classroom grants and scholarships for Bolivar High School graduates. To give to the Bolivar Educational Advancement Foundation click the donate button below.
The Class of 2024 received $50,000+ in scholarships. BEAF is proud to be among the many organizations providing scholarships to these students. To learn more about setting up a scholarship for future generations at Bolivar High School, contact us at bolivareducationfoundation@
From Our Founder
BEAF was originally created to purchase property that was leased by the Bolivar R-1 School District on behalf of the Exceptional Cooperative of the Ozarks. While the purpose of the Foundation has always been to assist the Bolivar R-1 School District, its teacher, its students and its graduates who are pursuing higher educational opportunities, the scope of services provided by the Foundation has greatly expanded over the years. Today, its primary focus is to provide scholarships through funds designated by donors to assist Bolivar School graduates with the costs of attending a college, university, vocation or trade school.
BEAF administers more than $2 million in restricted scholarship funds and more than $200,000 in unrestricted funds that are available in the discretion of the Board to assist the district and its teachers to enhance the learning tools available to the students of the District.
~ Kerry Douglas,
Founding member and member of the BEAF Board of Directors

Congratulations to the BHS Class of 2024

The Bolivar Educational Advancement Foundation (BEAF) recently awarded more than $50,000
in scholarships to 2024 Bolivar High School graduates. This year’s recipients include:
Patterson Memorial Scholarships ($1735 each)
Siya Bhadu (University of Missouri – Kansas City)
Nathan Lee (Purdue University – West Lafayette, IN)
Glendena Butler Memorial Scholarship ($375)
Ayden Spotila (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Lloyd & Martha Morgan Memorial Scholarship ($500)
Rebekah Harless (Missouri State University)
Kyla Ann Quennoz Memorial Scholarship ($650)
Ashlyn Cowden (Missouri State University)
Francis Williams Scholarship ($150)
Julia Jump (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Cecil & Faye Wollard Agriculture Scholarship ($1000)
Seth Martin (College of the Ozarks)
JB Zumwalt Scholarship ($1000)
Jacob Morgan (University of Missouri – Columbia)
BHH Class of 1966 Scholarship ($750)
Owen Cornell (Drury University)
BHS Class of 1964 Scholarship ($600)
Hope Nix (University of Missouri – Kansas City)
Doug Potts Liberator Pride Scholarship ($500)
Rebekah Harless (Missouri State University)
Jimmy Kelly Memorial Scholarship ($750)
Seth Martin (College of the Ozarks)
Gallivan Scholarships ($1400 each)
Renewed from last year – Levi Davis and Aubrey Collins (past graduates)
Synda Douglas Memorial Scholarships ($1500 each)
Cora Gooding (Missouri State University)
Madelynn Duncan (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Paul Schooley Scholarships ($550 each)
Jayden Mayfield (Missouri Welding Institute)
Isabella Mayfield (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Jaylee Branderhorst (Missouri State University)
Clayton Mayfield (Missouri Welding Institute)
Allee Engle (Missouri State University)
Sasha Williams (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Zane Gray (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Julia Jump (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Ayden Spotila (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Ivan Preston (Missouri S&T)
Halle Wagoner (Missouri State University)
Olivia Sanders (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Ben Tull (John Brown University)
Carl & Anna Carson Memorial Scholarships ($1000 each)
Sahara Adams (Oachita Baptist University)
Owen Cornell (Drury University)
Seth Martin (College of the Ozarks)
Carsyn Turner (State Tech)
Ashlyn Hughes (Southwest Baptist University)
Mitchell Scholarships ($550 each)
Ryan Barnhart (Missouri State University)
Isabella Mayfield (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Ivan Preston (Missouri University of Science and Technology)
Julia Jump (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Madelynn Duncan (Ozarks Technical Community College)
Hope Nix (University of Missouri – Kansas City)
Peyton Campbell (Missouri University of Science and Technology)